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Deferment of termination dates of certain tenancies

Residential tenancies (Deferment of termination dates of certain tenancies) Act 2002 has been passed by the Dáil and Seanad is set in place to protect tenants whose tenancy is ending between the 30th of October 2022 and the 1st of April. 

The tenants that are offered this protection are those whose lease was set to end between the aforementioned dates and ones who would have been left without accommodation due to no fault of their own i.e. the property owner decides to sell the property or use of the property by a family member of the property owner. The Act applies to approved housing bodies, cost rental tenancies, licences and tenancies in student accommodation and wider private rented sector.

Tenants will not build up security of tenure during this period. 

This security does not apply to tenants that receive a notice of termination due to a breach of their lease e.g. rent arrears, anti-social behaviour and damage beyond normal wear and tear. 

Notices served during this 6 month period require a termination date of the 18th of June 2023. If you have already received a termination date that falls during this period, it will be postponed until the 1st of April. 

The deferred termination dates to be applied depend on 2 factors:

  • The specified termination dates
  • Length of tenancy 

See below for further details.

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