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Can I use two estate agents to sell my house in Ireland

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Residential Sales – Selling Your Property

Yes, it is possible to use two agents working either as joint agents or as dual agents, provided both agents agree to do so. But a sole agency is the better solution in the vast majority of situations.

In a joint agency, there is a single agency agreement with both agents splitting the commission. Joint agencies can work well if both agencies bring unique approaches. 

In a dual agency, the two agencies compete with each other, and the one which secures the buyer gets paid. Dual agencies are not recommended as often the agent who offers a buyer the best deal on your house is the one who gets the deal! Needless to say, that is not in your best interests. Also, in dual agencies, the two agencies may not be as committed to the process as there is no guarantee they will be rewarded for their work. 

Often, the dual agency approach is considered in a separation/divorce context. This pitches one party against the other, which can only aggravate the situation. You are far better off working with your solicitors to agree on a common sole agent who should be willing to report to both parties if required.

The other time it may be considered is if the first agency fails to find a buyer (or a sale falls through), but you don’t want to disengage them. You would be far better off to bite the bullet, disengage the underperforming agent, and give the new agent a clean run at it. Their new approach and changed marketing content should give your property a fresh impetus.

Can I list my house with multiple agents?

If you have signed a sole agency agreement you need to disengage your current agent before appointing another. 

There is such a thing as a multiple agency agreement, which is a relic from the age before the internet. 

If you want to engage multiple agents this needs to be agreed in advance. 

Most estate agents in Ireland avoid this arrangement. Why would multiple agencies duplicate the same work without getting paid any extra? 

The risk from the client’s perspective is that none of the multiple agents will put in the same work as if they were appointed as sole agents, certain of getting paid once they complete the sale. The other risk is that a buyer may try to play one agent off against the other to try to get your property at a cheaper price.

Phil Thompson

Phil Thompson, Sales Director.

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