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Can you make an offer on a sale agreed house?

Yes, you can make an offer on a sale agreed property, and the agent is obliged to inform the seller of that offer, but morally the seller should refuse it. 

Morally the agent should refrain from seeking further offers once a property is “sale agreed”, but some agencies take a different approach and continue to advertise “sale agreed” properties until contracts are signed, or the prospective buyer makes an issue of it.

“Sale agreed” indicates that the seller has accepted an offer and agreed terms with a buyer. If they subsequently accept a higher offer from another party, this is called gazumping and, while legal, is frowned upon.

At Casey Kennedy Estate Agents, we take a moral stand against gazumping.

Once a sale is agreed, our objective is to work together with all parties to complete the sale as quickly and smoothly as possible on the agreed terms. 

Once contracts are signed, buyers and sellers are legally committed to completing the transaction as per the terms of the contract.

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