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Rights as a Tenant

What are my rights as a tenant?

Your rights as a tenant should be listed in your lease but should include:

i. Quiet and peaceful enjoyment of the property. Free from unwarranted nuisance, disturbance or hassle.
ii. A certain minimum period of notice when your tenancy has been terminated.
iii. Minimum requirements and standards in the property being maintained, for example, running water, electricity, free from mould or dampness.
iv. Be reimbursed for repairs done on the property which were required and were the responsibility of the landlord.
v. Your landlord must enter your property only with your express permission to do so but you cannot withhold access for scheduled inspections of repairs. 24 hours notice is typically considered as reasonable.
vi. Refer any disputes with your landlord to the RTB without fear of being penalised for same.

Phil Thompson

Phil Thompson, Sales Director.

I get asked by South County Dublin Home Sellers how to get the best price for their home all the time!

So, if you are struggling to know what your home could achieve in the market right now and would like some clarity, fill out the form below for a 10-minute call.

What Phil’s happy customers say …

“…which literally added tens of thousands to the price achieved“


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