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Do I have to have a for sale sign outside my house in Ireland?

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Residential Sales – Selling Your Property

A FOR SALE sign is totally at the seller’s discretion. If you do not want one the agent will not erect one.

If your agent does put one up against your wishes tell them to take it down immediately, or you can take it down yourself.

That said, you can’t keep the fact that you are selling a property a secret in this information age, and a FOR SALE sign has a number of important functions:

1. It helps buyers identify the property being sold.

2. It shows that the seller is committed to selling.

3. It informs the neighbours and other passers by that the property is for sale. Without the sign the only people who know your house is for sale are those who are actively looking for a property online. Frequently the top bidder for a property already has family or friends living in the locality. Once the sign goes up they will be informed immediately, along with a recommendation for the area from a local resident.

4. Estate Agents usually supply and erect a sign at no extra charge, as they are important advertising for the company.

For these reasons, in my 16 years of experience, properties with a sign sell more quickly for more money than those without one. Getting a sign erected is highly recommended, unless you are in a multi-unit development or apartment complex where they are not permitted.

Phil Thompson

Phil Thompson, Sales Director.

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