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How to get my property ready to sell?

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Residential Sales – Selling Your Property

How to get my property ready to sell?

  • Paint – Freshen up dull walls and cover up scuff and scratch marks from damaged walls with a coat of paint.  Painting bright, coloured walls a neutral colour is best advised when preparing your property for sale.
  • Declutter – Going through each room and getting rid of unwanted items makes the rooms look neat and tidy. This will also help your packing process!
  • Deep clean – Give your home a deep clean from top to bottom making sure that there is no dust, cobwebs, unwanted dirt stains or mucky carpets to let your prospective buyers know that the property is well-maintained. 

  • Maintenance – Before selling your home, it is advised that you carry out any outstanding repairs that will not make a good impression on your property, for example, loose light fixtures or door handles.
  • Depersonalise – Any personal belongings or photos that you wish to keep private should be removed from the property before pictures are taken and viewings begin.
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    Phil Thompson

    Phil Thompson, Sales Director.

    I get asked by South County Dublin Home Sellers how to get the best price for their home all the time!

    So, if you are struggling to know what your home could achieve in the market right now and would like some clarity, fill out the form below for a 10-minute call.

    What Phil’s happy customers say …

    “…which literally added tens of thousands to the price achieved


    We achieved a sale price far in excess of what we expected


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