If you rent out a room (or rooms) in your home to private tenants, you can earn up to €14,000 per year tax-free thanks to the rent-a-room relief. This relief is available for self-contained units, such as basement apartments or attached garage conversions.
To qualify for the rent a room relief, the property must be in the State and must be occupied by you as your sole residence during the year. You do not have to own the property, you can be a tenant and sub-let to someone else (in this case you should check with your landlord if this is allowed). If you are renting to HAP tenant you have to provide proof of ownership of the property
Currently, the total (gross) rent you get for the tax year, including any money the renter pays for utilities, food, laundry, or other comparable products and services, cannot exceed €14,000
If you are found eligible for the rent a room relief, the income gained from renting the room will be exempt from PRSI, USC and income tax but will be included in your annual income tax return.