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Winter Proof Your Home

It’s no secret that the winter can expose issues in properties, from leaks to damp and falling gutters.

Here are 5 quick tips:

  • Bleed your radiators

Bleeding your radiators releases air trapped in your heating system. This will improve the efficiency of heating your home. How you can tell if your radiators need bleeding is if the top or whole of the radiator is cold when on, strange noises are coming for your radiators or if mildew is building up on the walls behind your radiators.

  • Install radiator reflectors

Installing a radiator reflector will direct the warmth generated back towards the room, preventing the walls from absorbing the heat.

  • Clean your gutters

Cleaning your gutters to prevent the build up of leaves, moss and other debris helps with the longeviy of your gutters.

  • Insulate your pipes

This will prevent the loss of heat, we also advise using a lagging jacket.

  • Check your roof for damaged tiles

A visual inspection every few weeks is worth while.

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