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What should I do if my property isn’t selling?

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Residential Sales – Selling Your Property

What should I do if my property isn’t selling?

If your property isn’t selling, it may be time to reconsider the selling price. You should also get a second opinion from another estate agent that has expertise in the area. There could be many reasons why the property isn’t moving such as a poorly written description, poor photographs taken, not being advertised on the relevant channels such as, Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, a good website.

An alternative explanation for your property not selling may be the physical condition. It is worth considering making repairs to the property which are inhibiting people from purchasing the property. Also, you could enlist an expert interior designer who will stage your property for sale. One person I recommend is Claire Callaghan from in the Space Interiors she will do an excellent job in showcasing your property, she will help to get more offers and higher bids on your property. This will help reinvent the property and re-establish it on the market.

Another consideration for someone that has a property on the market for a while is to seek a second opinion on it. We at CKP have years of experience and we achieve excellent results to sell my house Ireland.Two storey house for sale with Casey Kennedy Estate Agents sign.

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Phil Thompson

Phil Thompson, Sales Director.

I get asked by South County Dublin Home Sellers how to get the best price for their home all the time!

So, if you are struggling to know what your home could achieve in the market right now and would like some clarity, fill out the form below for a 10-minute call.

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