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Why should I pay my service charges?

Why should I pay my service charges?

The service charge must be paid by the unit owners (including developers in the case of unsold units). The service price must be set in a transparent and equitable manner, and expenses must be properly recorded.

Here are several reasons why you as an owner should ensure to pay your service charges:

– You agreed to do so by signing the lease when you bought your home.

Under Section 18 of the Multi-Unit Developments Act 2011 you have a legal obligation to pay.

– The OMC needs the money to provide services (such as waste collection, block insurance, repairs and maintenance) to you, your neighbours, and your properties. 

– If you fail to pay, in effect you are expecting your neighbours to make up the difference.

– If you fail to pay, you are causing diminished services levels within the estate.

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