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Tenant reference


Tenant reference signed by the landlord
Why do I need to supply a tenant reference?

A tenant reference is supplied by a previous landlord illustrating the tenant’s suitability for the prospective property which is given to the new landlord. They can be useful for when the new landlord is required to make a decision on who they will let their property to. The document includes a statement that the tenant paid all the rent and on time and maintained the property as expected and there was no disputes and any other details which will help the landlord make an informed decision on the tenant.

If you rented through an agency you could get a reference from them as they would be easier to verify that a individual landlord providing same.

For more information on beginning a tenancy, click here.

🎓 Tenants 41

See all 41 Tenants FAQs

Phil Thompson

Phil Thompson, Sales Director.

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