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Student Accommodation Tenancies

Student is a tenant under the RTB
Does student accommodation come within the RTB’s remit?

Yes. Since 15th July 2019, student specific accommodation was brought under the scope of the RTB rules. This includes housing built for the sole purpose of providing accommodation for students during the academic year. Section 50 was the original planning legislation that saw many developments being built specifically for student accommodation

This now means that both landlords and tenants of SSA have rights under all residential rental legislation. 

To register tenancies for student accommodation, a Tenancy Data Sheet must be completed by SSA landlords. There are alternative registration fees for student tenancies as opposed to private residential tenancies. However, it must be noted that a late registration fee remains applicable for landlords.

Landlords and tenants now have access to the dispute resolution services of the RTB. 

Periods of notice, notice of rent review and RPZ rules apply to student tenancies, however, these rules are provided with amendments specifically for students.

However, there is NO security of tenure for tenancies in SSA. This means that a tenancies which exceeds a period of 6 months does not give the tenant the right to remain on in the dwelling for a further 5 and a half years.

🎓 Landlords 39

See all 39 Landlords FAQs

🎓 Tenants 41

See all 41 Tenants FAQs

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